September the 13th, 2016, has been the hottest September day in the UK for sixtyish years, apparently. Currently (1.30pm) the temperature in London stands at a historic and very nice 32˚C. Whether this is something we should be worried about we’ll probably find out in the next few days if we really must, but in the meantime, here are some snaps of London and some people enjoying the sun in London as if they were normal people. Feel free to add your own below in commemoration of a very, very nice day.

Update: 2pm – 35ºC!

Update 2 – The BBC reports that this is the UK’s hottest September day since 1911


  1. None of the that nasty foreign sunshine here. It’s natural British murk.


  2. Ian, why not tell the whole story?

    Are you hiding something?

    Why aren’t you also telling our readers that September the 13th, 2016, has been found to be the worst September [day] in the UK for sixtyish years too?

    I mean, one presumes the hottest day must have been the worst day. Otherwise we’d all feel prettttty silly for wringing our hands over global warming all these years!! ROFL…

    And that’s prima facie rather far-fetched, I dare say.

    Come on—if we’ve really been making such gullible shmendriks of ourselves for so many years, why hasn’t anyone said anything? Somebody would have let us know by now—and I mean somebody reputable, not some contrarian with known links to libertarian/centrist/near-right/far-right thoughts. Why haven’t they?

    Answer: because we haven’t been.


  3. You’re right Brad, of course: the worst. And somebody just told me it’s supposed to be even worse tomorrow. Hooray! I mean, boooo.


  4. I would normally be in South Wales, Tiny, where apparently there’s thunder and lightning – is that any consolation? Does that work as consolation?


  5. No consolation needed 😀 I naturally regard sunshine with some suspicion and only really resent the rain when the fungus sets in. Warrington is actually quite a dry, sunny, mild climate with enough of an onshore breeze to do away with most frosts and heatwaves. Although it has almost no personality it’s a good place to live.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hottest September day since 1911. More significantly, September is currently running very warm in CET, tying with August for mean monthly CET – 17C. The record warmest September in the entire series is 2006, which stands at 16.8C. it will have to stay very warm for the next 17 days to break that record. Of course, if we do get yet another warmest September on record, the fast response team at World Weather Attribution will no doubt tell us within microseconds that their analysis reveals such September heatwaves are far more likely to occur due to man-made global warming.

    I can’t help but think that all this heat being released by the oceans and wafted around various parts of the globe at the moment courtesy of the recently expired super El Nino 2016 – which started building in 2014 – is ultimately bad news for alarmists, unless it’s going to be replenished in a few years to produce yet more global warming. La Nina is predicted to be weak during winter 2016/first six months of 2017, which means that the oceans will not be naturally storing heat too effectively, which means more heat radiated into the atmosphere and lost into space. Time will tell. Interesting winter, spring and early summer ahead.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Meteorologico interior: scorchio!

    Meteorologico exterior: ethethethethethethethethetheth


    Liked by 2 people

  8. So, what were all those humans doing in 1911 to heat up the planet? It’s those turbo-charged hansom cabs isn’t it?

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Wile posting @ Roy Spencer’s blog II just found out from Joel D. Shore, lecturer at Rochester institute of technology! That radiative forcing is:
    “A radiative forcing is simply an imbalance in the top-of-the-atmosphere radiation balance that then leads to the Earth system absorbing more energy than it emits, as seen in the steady warming of the oceans, which is where most of the excess energy ends up.
    IOW any thermal lag, thermal time constant, indicating a thermodynamic temporary non-equilibrium condition. With every atmospheric molecule peddling as fast as it can to re-establish such equilibrium! All of the rest of the world calls that ‘weather’. Who wooda thunk!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A thermometer in the sun or shade can differ by over 10C. Stephenson screens suffer exactly the same problem. So if you are looking for a record temperature you will surely find it.


  11. I do find that the weather does the opposite of what’s predicted. The same works for sceptics, the moment we crow about a La Nina or a big increase in ice, it vanishes again. Gaia is fickle and hates being preditable.


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