One of my favourite programmes on TV at the moment is Only Connect; and it isn’t just because I have the hots for Victoria Coren Mitchell. Nor can it be said that it’s because I love to show off in front of all of my imaginary friends, since:

a) on average I can only answer one question a week, and

b) they are not taking my calls anymore.

Indeed, my lack of prowess at the game is a source of some personal embarrassment. Nevertheless, I think I have come up with a solution to my disconnect. To illustrate the solution, I have compiled the following Only Connect question. What have the following got in common?

Tequila ; Shakespeare ; Black Holes ; Teddy Bear

If you were to follow the links the answer should become immediately apparent. But if your life is too busy for you to be bothered, I’ll tell you the answer anyway: They have all been linked with climate change. In fact, if you were to do the googling yourself, you would see that the connections for each are both many and varied.

Okay, so let’s try another one:

Earwax ; Carpet ; Menstruation ; Teeth

Different question, same answer: They have all been linked to climate change. Just follow the links to see how.

How about one more?

Drainpipe ; Hair ; Cheese ; Football

You should already know the answer by now, but following the links will help you confirm the connection.

By this stage you may be suspecting that I must have spent hours coming up with these obscure connections – but you would be wrong. It is actually rather easy to find them, so much so that I have begun to suspect that there may not be a single word in the English language that hasn’t been used to fuel climate change alarm. To put that theory to the test, I picked out a genuine Only Connect Wall  to see if it provided a complete connection to climate change. These are the results:

Row 1:

Mensa ; Neville ; Badger ; Kitten

Row 2:

Turnip ; Hound ; Anthony ; Draco

Row 3:

Ghost ; Norma ; Harry ; Margaret

Row 4:

Ramsey ; Luna ; Lynx ; Bug

I don’t know what the real solution to the above wall is, but had you said, “Are they all connected to climate change, Victoria?”, the answer would have to be:

“Congratulations! You have solved the wall.”

Now that I know this trick, Only Connect will never be the same for me. As for Willard’s Climateball Bingo, I can’t see how much fun it could possibly be to play when even #ButEarWax and #ButMensturation are both a thing.


  1. John

    It isn’t that I didn’t believe you – after all, we’re all used to seeing climate change being shoe-horned into every subject imaginable there days – but those lists were so bizarre that I felt I had to check, and so I dutifully followed your links (for which, thank you).

    This is all now reaching such quite extraordinary proportions that it has gone beyond ridiculous. Is money the connection (mention climate change in research and you’re so much more likely to obtain funding; suggest your product helps fight climate change and people are more likely to buy it) or has the decades-long brainwashing been so successful that climate change now simply slips effortlessly into every piece of writing by every journalist, advertiser, politician etc?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have found it so much more difficult to volunteer a correct answer during this year’s Only Connect, and the walls are impossible. Is it me, or is it them?

    I don’t think shouting out “climate change” at every opportunity will go down well with “she who must be listened to”.

    On the other hand beating those snotty-nosed students in the University Challenge that follows always cheers me up. Surprisingly the BBC has not infused its climate change into that contest.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Joe,

    I think that anyone seeking to compile an exhaustive list is doomed to fail. The pit has no bottom.


    The thing is that I didn’t cherry-pick in order to present a particularly bizarre set of examples. The first four example words were quite literally the first four I thought of. I was even trying hard to come up with examples that couldn’t possibly be connected. I failed. It was then that I thought to try out a real Only Connect Wall. Finding connections for the full wall was ridiculously easy. You should try it for yourself. The hilarious connections will just fall into your lap.


    I, for one, will be shouting out ‘climate change’ for every single answer from now on. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You can add glow-worms to the list.

    Last night I listened to a Radio 4 adaptation* of a whodunit called _Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam_. The fairies were little spots of light that lurked in bushes in a troubled Cornish village. Eventually, the fairies were identified as Lampyris noctiluca, which, we were told, shouldn’t have been that far north, or indeed glowing that late in the year. Global warming was the only explanation offered. (L. noctiluca has been a native of Cornwall – and of Norfolk* – since long before Fryfam was invented. Nothing to do with global warming.)

    *SPOILER ALERT! The book on which it was based was about a village in Norfolk, not Cornwall; it didn’t mention glow-worms (or global warming); its murder was an obviously murderous stabbing in a cottage, not a possibly suicidal shooting in a lighthouse; and its murderer wasn’t the victim’s wife. The radio version was quite entertaining but I can’t think of any sensible reasons for making such fundamental changes to the plot. (But at least the adapter didn’t change the sex of leading characters, as sometimes happens in R4 adaptations.)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bill,

    Perhaps the North Korea article is very near the bottom of the bottomless pit – it is difficult to say when googling “belly button climate change” gives you this:

    I’m telling you, it is actually very difficult to think of a word or phrase that doesn’t throw something up when combined with “climate change”. I offer this game to the world as my contribution to light entertainment. The game is to guess what the connection might be, not to guess whether a connection has been made or not.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Surely if earthquakes in Haiti can be linked to climate change, then anything can.


  7. Alan,

    Incidentally, if you are wondering why my link on the Only Connect Wall for ‘Anthony’ took you to such an obscure paper, it is only because the paper was an attempt to point to the many impacts that climate change is having. Even so, Anthony failed to mention earthquakes, the hair loss and the depressed dogs.


  8. John, you wrote “ Now that I know this trick, Only Connect will never be the same for me.” It seems to me that, because your trick works every time and your response will ever be the same, that you should rewrite – “Now that I know this trick, Only Connect will ALWAYS be the same for me.” Why bother?


  9. Alan,

    >”Why bother?”

    Because I’m the kind of guy who could never tire of being right? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tried answering something connected to climate change in the missing vowels section, but failed miserably. How did you get on?


  11. Alan,

    Recorded the last episode. Haven’t watched it yet. I know the answers will be ‘climate change’ but I don’t know the questions yet, so no spoilers please.


  12. John, I’ve spotted another one – siestas:

    “National Trust to give staff siestas in summer
    Staff and volunteers in south of England will get more Mediterranean hours because of climate change”

    “The National Trust is giving its workers siestas in summer due to increasingly hot weather because of climate change.

    Staff and volunteers in the south of England will be given more Mediterranean working hours, with a long lunch break and the day starting earlier and finishing later. This will allow them to avoid the hottest part of the day, as people already do in countries such as Italy and Spain.

    A spokesperson for the charity said: “It’s fair to say that as we experience more extreme temperatures, we will be looking to offer Mediterranean working hours, especially in the east which is likely to experience more frequent higher temperatures to ensure the health and safety of our staff and volunteers.”

    This has already begun at Ham House in Richmond, south London, which was forced to close for the first time in August 2019 as temperatures reached more than 40C. Staff are offered the new working hours when it is hot – and it is expected this will be rolled out across more trust properties in coming years.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Mark,

    I would be surprised if you had actually failed to spot another. As I said, the fun is in thinking of a word at random and then trying to guess what the link is going to be. Let’s give it a go:

    I’ve just thought of ‘flip flops’. How do you think someone has managed to link flip flops with climate change? Do you want to play this one or shall I? Okay, I’ll play it.

    Here we go. Found it straight away:

    “Why this climate change data is on flip-flops, leggings, and cars.”

    Yes, it’s our old friend, the warming stripes.

    Now it’s your turn. Just think of a word – the more obscure the better.


  14. Antidisestablishmentarianism doesn’t buck the trend. Only 160,000 records for “antidisestablishmentarianism and climate change” in O.51 seconds on Google. But I repeat the missing vowel round doesn’t fit and because this round commonly produces the winner, I’m not sure your strategy will always ensure you a win. Remember in the MVR you can lose points you gained yelling climate change pointlessly at your television, even more so if you do it to a recording. Just think, on iPlayer there are years of past episodes for you to shout at. Grounds for separation I’d say.


  15. Alan,

    I should have made myself clearer. I only intend shouting out ‘climate change’ when the question is with regard to connections, i.e. all the rounds except for the missing vowels. I’m actually quite good at that round, but I guess that could be said by most people.

    Incidentally, the ‘Antidisestablishmentarianism climate change’ search finds the following:

    I would imagine that a thsrs would be quite useful for the missing vowels round.


  16. Alan,

    No, I haven’t chngd my mnd, I have just realised that I hadn’t prvsly md myslf clr.


  17. I hope some mod is keeping an eye on the Comment Spambox
    There look to be recent legitimate non-troll comments there
    Whereas the Pending box ..seems to be OK


  18. Stew,

    It’s just a judgement call, but I’ve taken a look and there is nothing there that I would feel comfortable approving. Thanks for the heads up though.


  19. John, yes I just looked again
    This evening ones are obvious spam and some damn weird
    Some ask questions, but are not real.
    The ones that was looking at at lunchtime were more subtle and kinda looked legit.
    Usually “I just found your blog, it’s great” etc.
    Yes of course I know the pattern I see the are spam

    I only opened it up cos thought I’d deleted something and found that Some of my own Open Mic comments ended up in Trash, maybe they were duplicates or something


  20. starring Penelope Keith
    It was adapted by David Semple from M.C. Beaton’s book of the same name and directed by Carol Smith.
    It first aired November 22, 2006 on BBC Radio4


  21. “The link between climate change, seaweed and ice cream”

    “Seaweed – we’ve been using it for centuries in food and toiletries. It can help to keep toothpaste and ice cream soft.

    But in some parts of the world, supply has been affected by climate change.

    Now people in Zanzibar are learning new methods of farming through the help of outreach projects like Milele Zanzibar Foundation and the Panje Project.

    A video for People Fixing the World by Celestina Olulode, Esther Namuhisa, and Nicholaus Mtenga.”


  22. For me, never failed so far. Today’s half-hearted efforts:
    hairbrushes, mints, toothpicks, pajamas, liquorice, spectacles, olivine, grub-screws, holly (this was obviously going to work but given the season I put it in anyhow), Gilgamesh (the first king ever whose name was recorded), chasuble, kevlar, Agincourt, baubles (also seasonal).

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Yep, checked them out and they all seemed good except for grub-screws (I couldn’t find that connection). My favourite was Al Gore’s comparison of climate change to Dunkirk, Agincourt and 9-11:

    We should use the output of this game to create a taxonomy of alarmism. Hence: ‘But scrambled egg’, ‘But earwax’, ‘But Agincourt’, etc. I don’t know what we could call it though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  24. “We should use the output of this game to create a taxonomy of alarmism. Hence: ‘But scrambled egg’, ‘But earwax’, ‘But Agincourt’, etc. I don’t know what we could call it though.”

    To save time, just using a dictionary should be pretty good approximation. So collectively, ‘But dictionary’.


  25. ‘I presume by ‘But dictionary’ you mean ‘But the connection with everything in the dictionary’, as opposed to ‘But the connection with the word ‘dictionary’’’

    Heh. Yes, but as the word ‘dictionary’ is one presumes, in the dictionary, it was always going to be both 😉


  26. Willard playing games, and the wrong ones at that. Heavens to Murgatroid, 2021 is going out with a right bang.


  27. In case anyone misinterprets my 2.20pm comment as a criticism of John’s excision of Willard’s apparent drive-by, they couldn’t have been more wrong. John’s article is light hearted and I have never known Willard reciprocate in kind. I suspect John’s action was an attempt to cut short a potential flare-up, something with which I heartily approve, now and in the upcoming year.


  28. Alan,

    I can confirm that keeping it light was high on my list of priorities, although keeping it relevant had also been a concern. I don’t expect Willard to see it that way, since he has already made it clear that he finds me “clueless”, “hypocritical”, and ‘disingenuous”. I can live with that.

    Anyway, in the spirit of Christmas, I invite you all to try connecting your favourite tipple with climate change. I have tried it with whisky, brandy, vodka, rum, gin, martini and tequila so far and in each case I was able to find an article that claimed that drinking the spirit concerned will help tackle climate change.

    If only.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Hard climate times ahead for ice-wine, apparently. But I may have a winning non-connection, or at least a candidate. Couldn’t find a climate-change and (explicit, not just liquor / spirits etc) schnapps connection 0:


  30. ‘Sorry, Andy. You lose:’

    Dammit! I invested a good ten minutes or more on that one. Limoncello I drank many years ago in Italy is a non-starter, not even worth looking up. Ginger beer my partner sometimes drinks, took 5 seconds to verify. On the Rovos Rail train running from Cape Town to Pretoria I drank amaretto until 4am two days in a row, with a friend and the barman. Sadly, eating Vegan Amaretto Sesame Seed Cookies is going to help us save the planet. I drank sake in Japan, but apparently they are dismally contemplating the lack of prolonged dismal wet weather needed to make it. On the upside they are producing it in the dismal UK on the assumption it will stay dismal, but this doesn’t help my search. I may fail to beat the system 0:

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Dammit, we all lose (or win). Since John’s discovery that all components of Only Connect can have a climate change connection, every part of the grids in round three of the game (= the walls) have this self same climate change link. Thus they don’t need to be sorted into four groups of connected items. So ten points every time.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Fear not everyone. You can still play along with the lovely Victoria. If it isn’t the answer on her cards, then you lose. Just ignore me shouting out ‘climate change’ every time.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. “Climate Change, Albinism and Me”

    “Climate change is having a devastating impact across Africa, affecting communities in different ways.

    For people living with albinism on the Continent increasing temperatures and longer dry seasons pose a particular challenge.

    Coco, who lives in Nigeria, shared her experience with us.”

    I didn’t expect to see albinism and climate change in the same sentence.


  34. Mark – “I didn’t expect to see albinism and climate change in the same sentence”

    me neither – from the short vid she talks about exposure to the Sun as the problem for her.
    so how “Climate change” fits into the narrative BBC are pushing seems like exploitation to me.


  35. Just recovering from a rigorous and extensive taste testing of a variety of alcoholic climate changes (see above exchange between Andy and John). Problem is I cannot remember what I started with, but Peppermint Schnapps with floating (but melting) bergie bits was memorable and appropriate.


  36. One of the easiest ways to find a connection with climate change is to pick on a species of animal. By doing so, you will invariably find that climate change either threatens it with extinction or is causing it to crop up in unfamiliar climes. Take, for example, the tale of the red-billed leiothrix:

    “’The next parakeet’: Britain’s dawn chorus at risk from Asian songbird”

    It is a tale of an invasive species that is supposedly cropping up more and more in certain parts of the UK. And just in case you were wondering whether the Guardian sees a connection with climate change, we have this:

    “As the climate crisis escalates, the climate of southern Britain is increasingly favourable to them.”

    So presumably these are birds that have been enticed to these shores after reading the Guardian? No, not a bit of it:

    “Also known as pekin robins in the caged bird trade, it is likely these populations have escaped from captivity.”

    So it turns out they came here in cardboard boxes in the hold of a Boeing 767. Having subsequently escaped captivity, they decided to stay put rather than immediately set off home because it is too darn cold here. But wait, did they not just say that the leiothrix is the ‘new parakeet’? Doesn’t that mean the parakeet is an earlier example of an invasive species that escaped captivity but then stayed around to enjoy the UK’s climate crisis? Apparently not:

    “A popular pet, the rose-ringed parakeet has been released in a wide range of cities around the world…Its adaptations to cold winters in the Himalayan foothills allow it to easily withstand European winter conditions.”

    Conclusion: There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the appearance of a small number of red-billed leiothrix in the UK countryside is due to climate change rather than an increase in its popularity amongst caged-bird owners. But try telling the Guardian that.

    Liked by 3 people

  37. I recently had a problem locking my front door and, understandably, I was keen to get it fixed so that I could leave the house. Fortunately, there was plenty of advice on the internet as to what the problem might be. For example:

    “Misaligned deadbolts and latches are common door lock problems. They are often the result of door locks that were not properly installed, or doors and door frames that are warping due to climate change.”

    I’ve had it fixed now, and the good thing is that I didn’t have to resort to net zero after all.

    Liked by 3 people

  38. When I read this headline I just knew what to expect:

    “Whale stranding: 230 whales stranded on Tasmanian beach”

    The whole point is that the scientists have no idea what is going on. A perfect opportunity, however, to hammer home the climate message:

    “Climate change could have an impact too – changes in the environment, water temperature, or prey habitats could throw the whales off.”

    I dream of a return to the days when something natural can happen without being linked to climate change.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. The GuardIan has developed its own version of Climate Change Only Connect. I noticed it this morning in my copy delivered today. I believe the aim is to link stories with apparently zero connection with climate change (translation climate crisis, emergency or whatever). This morning, for example, a front page headline “Mark Rylance on Hilary Mantel and the climate emergency”. Inside I found an article on Climate Crisis inspires designs at Paris fashion week. The game is not explained by The Guardian but I guess it is to account for the link before reading the article and revealing all.

    Damn it, now I have to read this dross in case some cliseper asks.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. “Climate change: Are potatoes being put at risk by warmer weather?”

    The humble potato may struggle to grow in the UK in years to come due to climate change, researchers have warned.

    Scotland’s fields grow a quarter of Britain’s potato crop.

    However household favourites such as Ayrshire and Maris Piper are said to be at risk as temperatures rise.

    The James Hutton Institute (JHI) at Invergowrie, just outside Dundee, is now trying to find varieties that will grow in warmer conditions.

    The annual retail value of potato products across the UK is put at more than £2bn.

    Prof Lesley Torrance, the JHI research organisation’s executive director of science, warned that climate change posed an “existential threat” to the potato industry….


  41. I must admit, I didn’t expect to see murder so directly connected with climate change:

    “Almost 8,000 US shootings attributed to unseasonable heat – study
    Research suggests climate crisis may contribute to increased gun violence by pushing temperatures beyond normal ranges”

    Almost 8,000 shootings in US cities in recent years were attributable to unseasonably warm temperatures, according to a new study. The researchers said the work suggested the climate crisis could be contributing to increased gun violence by pushing temperatures beyond the normal ranges.

    Shootings were already known to peak in summer, when people are outside more and when heat can increase aggression. But the new research took account of the season and showed that above average temperatures at any time of year increased the risk of shootings.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Guardian doesn’t offer a link to the study, but there’s a couple of other “Only Connect” moments within the article:

    A study in 2020 reported that rising temperatures caused by global heating are likely to increase deaths from road crashes, violence, suicides and drowning, affecting young people most. Another study, published in 2018, found higher temperatures are linked to increasing rates of suicide.


  42. Mark – from your link
    “We isolate human-caused warming with climate models, finding that >500 home runs since 2010 are attributable to historical warming. Several hundred additional home runs per season are projected due to future warming. Adaptations such as building domes on stadiums or shifting day games to night games
    reduce temperature’s effects on America’s pastime. Our results highlight the myriad ways that a
    warmer planet will restructure our lives, livelihoods, and recreation, some quantifiable and easily
    adapted to, as shown here, many others, not.
    We show that global warming has increased home runs in baseball by reducing gametime
    air density. Without gameplay adaptations, future warming will intensify this effect alongside
    other climate impacts.”

    has to be a late April Fool.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. I have to admit, I didn’t expect to be putting piracy in here:

    “Impact of warmer seas on fish stocks leads to rise in pirate attacks
    Study of piracy hotspots in east Africa and South China Sea found that piracy increases when fish populations decline and vice versa”

    Dwindling fish stocks caused by the climate crisis are leading to an increase in pirate attacks, according to a new study looking at two piracy hotspots over the past two decades.

    Warmer seas have negatively affected fisheries in east Africa, one of the world’s worst areas for piracy; while in the South China Sea, another hotspot for attacks, it has had the opposite effect: fish populations have risen.

    This phenomenon created a “rare natural experiment” in which to test the links between climate breakdown and piracy risk, according to Gary LaFree, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Maryland, and one of the co-authors of the paper, published in the American Meteorological Society journal, Weather, Climate, and Society (WCAS).

    “We wanted to test the hypothesis: does piracy increase when fish production declines and decrease when fish production increases?” said LaFree. The answer, they found, was yes. “We did a multi-varied analysis to see whether the underlying theory was statistically significant and it is.”

    The study, which looked at more than 2,000 attacks in east Africa and the South China Sea over the past 20 years, found the trends in piracy were linked to the impact of warmer seas on fish stocks.

    In east Africa, where fish populations are declining due to warmer seas, piracy rates have increased. But rising sea temperature had the opposite effect in the South China Sea. There, fish populations have increased and piracy rates have declined….

    It appears that this is yet another cost of the “climate crisis”:

    …The link between warming seas, fisheries and pirate attacks was significant, even after controlling for other influences such as economic stress, private security guards on board, and local political corruption, the authors said. It also raised questions over how to help fishers.

    “For the governments of Somalia and Kenya and coastal states in east Africa, this is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed,” Jiang said.

    “If our arguments are correct, and sea temperatures continue to rise into the foreseeable future, the struggle against piracy in east Africa will become increasingly difficult,” the paper said.

    Piracy cost the shipping industry $9bn a year and poses a major security threat. About 90% of the world’s traded goods are transported by sea.

    If anyone wants to dig deeper, you can find the paper here:


  44. “Sydney’s drinking water quality under threat from climate crisis, report finds
    Exclusive: Audit says substantial effort to reduce emissions and limit climate change impacts needed to ensure catchment health”

    …The audit also made recommendations about sewage in the catchment, urging the government to upgrade treatment plants in the Wingecarribee area to avoid “significant environmental harm as the population grows”. “Delays to sewage treatment plant upgrades risks increasing poor water quality outcomes and breaches of environment protection licences,” the report read.

    The increasing density and land use changes in parts of Sydney’s fringe and the Southern Highlands and Goulburn areas were also affecting the catchment’s health.

    “Poorly planned, designed or managed construction of urban development has the potential to cause impacts on water quality from accelerated water erosion,” the report read….

    But it’s climate change (sorry, the climate crisis) that’s to blame, apparently.

    Liked by 1 person

  45. The BBC has picked up on something strange happening in South Korea:

    “’Don’t Ask Why’: South Korea grapples with back-to-back ‘Mudjima’ stabbings”

    The stabbings are apparently motiveless, hence the term ‘Mudjima’, which literally means ‘don’t ask why’.

    However, we all know why really, don’t we? According to Wikipedia:

    “There are people who are more sensitive to the effects of climate change. In other words, children, chronically ill, the elderly, people with cognitive deficits, pregnant women, and people with psychopathological disorders are sensitive to climate change…When a person becomes uncomfortable hot, the possibility of temper tantrums, hypersensitivity, physical aggression and violence increases.”

    Come on BBC, wake up! It’s not like you to waste a good climate change link.

    Oh, I forgot. Mudjima.

    Liked by 2 people

  46. John, please may I collect my prize? I’ve found the tory that isn’t linked to climate change:

    “Bedbug panic sweeps Paris as infestations soar before 2024 Olympics”

    There are several factors, of which globalisation – container trade, tourism and immigration – is the most important. Climate change can be ruled out….

    It’s official – the BBC says climate change can be ruled out (possibly the first and last time you’ll read that there).


  47. This is a story about the havoc wreaked by tin mining in Indonesia, the damage caused thereby t the local environment, and associated issues with crocodile attacks. At least, that’s what it ought to be about, judging by most of the narrative in the article@

    “Why Indonesia can’t stop crocodile attacks”

    But of course, it can’t be that simple – at least not when the BBC is involved;

    …Last year’s prolonged dry season, driven by climate change, dried up the well in front of Sariah’s house. Her water supply was cut after she fell behind on payments for three months. So, the abandoned pits were the only source of water for her family and many others.

    Five days after the attack on Sariah, a miner in the island was almost killed by a crocodile when he was washing tin ore in another pit. He suffered injuries in his head, shoulder and an arm….

    Of course – it’s climate change wot dun it.


  48. “‘Red gold’: Why saffron production is dwindling in India”

    No mention of climate change in the heading, so I was curious, and thought I’d take a look. Needless to say, it’s climate change wot dun it:

    …Mr Mir says his fields have become less productive over the years. He can remember a time when the crocus would flower three to five times in a growing season, now that’s down to two or three.

    He blames more erratic patterns of rainfall and higher temperatures, which leaves the soil too dry for the sensitive crocus plant.

    Scientist who have studied saffron cultivation agree that conditions have become more difficult.

    “Climate change is a reality, creating havoc for saffron fields,” says Dr Bashir Allie, who heads the Saffron Research Station, at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology.

    “Rains and the snowfall have become erratic and uncertain. Fields which were very productive just 10 years back don’t produce much saffron now.”…

    That’s one version of events. Yet we are also told:

    …”It is a highly labour-intensive industry where each process, from planting the corms, plucking the flowers, gently removing the red stigmas from the flowers, to the final grading, is meticulously carried out by skilled workers with decades of experience in the trade,” he explains….

    What if there’s a shortage of highly-skilled labours prepared to carry out back-breaking work for a pittance? Or reducing amounts of land being used? Or less funding and investment?

    …The amount of land devoted to saffron production has dwindled in Indian-administered Kashmir. Around 5,700 hectares was given over to the crop in 1996, by 2020 that had fallen to 1,120.

    As well as the changing weather patterns, Mr Mir blames the expansion of towns and villages onto saffron fields, and lack of investment in irrigation and training for farmers…

    No matter – the answer is always climate change.


  49. “Sir Robin Millar: the vinyl revival is exposing artists’ climate ‘hypocrisy’”

    Robin Millar has made a career from records; now he wants them to be eradicated. The newly knighted music producer and co-founder of artist management company Blue Raincoat Music believes the resurgence of vinyl is exposing hypocrisy among labels and artists.

    “I am baffled that no large record company has had the backing of a big-selling artist to stop making physical records,” he says, angrily explaining how CDs and vinyl are manufactured around the world, packaged with “chopped-down trees and plastic” and shipped to customers. “How can anybody stand up and say ‘save the planet’? Artists are awful for hypocritical bandwagonery.”

    Millar says he is no “militant climate warrior”, but argues the quality of digital songs now matches vinyl, while artists’ global tours also contribute to harming the planet and could be screened online.

    His green stance has caused tensions with shareholders in his various ventures, which still make healthy money from physical music sales, but it is among the causes he is championing to enact change in his industry and beyond. …

    LPs responsible for climate change. Whatever next?


  50. “Cookies and candy are latest victims of climate crisis as sugar prices surge”

    “Extreme weather is affecting food – a year ago it was avocados, now it’s sugar,” Wagner said. “Climate-flation is a thing and it’s getting worse. It’s convenient for the owner of Oreos to point to climate change for a price increase but it’s also understandable.”

    There you go.


  51. “Countryside shoots ‘save NHS millions’”

    This comes about by doddery old guys accidentally gunning one another down in a mist of scotch. No, of course it doesn’t. Instead,

    The personal benefits of exercise plus the public health gains to pollution being removed from the atmosphere by wooded areas are two of the principal ways in which the sport benefits society, according to The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).

    Why, you wonder, has Jit posted this here? Well, there is a rather far-fetched climate angle.

    Ian Danby, BASC head of biodiversity, said: “The carbon impact of shooting in woodlands has never been assessed before and reveals the huge role shooting plays in capturing and storing carbon, moving us all towards our net zero carbon targets…

    Quoth the Telegraph, helpfully:

    The NHS has not said if it would consider prescribing shooting to boost wellbeing.

    [Edit: quote tags not working.]


  52. “The carbon impact of shooting in woodlands has never been assessed before and reveals the huge role shooting plays in capturing and storing carbon, moving us all towards our net zero carbon targets…”



  53. It’s bananas!

    “Banana prices to go up as temperatures rise, says expert”

    It’s typical Matt McGrath fare. It’s all the fault of climate change. But read on, and you find this:

    “…Producers are also facing pressures from rising costs of fertilisers, energy and transport as well as problems in finding enough workers….”

    There is no attempt to discover which are the most important factors. Then we are told:

    “…Taken together with the impacts of climate change on supply, prices in the UK and elsewhere are likely to go up – and stay up….”.

    So, a load of problems, but lump in climate change and Bob’s your uncle. In a world with ever-growing populations, it also seems that the old basic issue of supply and demand might well be behind rising prices:

    …”There will be some price increases, indeed,” said Mr Liu. “If there’s not a major increase in supply, I project that banana prices will remain relatively high in the coming years.”…

    Of course, that might be about more supply needing to compensate for declines due to disease due to climate change – the line the article goes with – or it might not. An intelligent analysis would have been nicer than the usual “let’s blame climate change” trope and headline.

    At the very end we also learn of a real reason for rising banana prices – and we find that they are caused by the eco-zealots and their ever-tightening red tape:

    “…Consumers are increasingly looking to buy bananas and other commodities that are produced in a sustainable way.

    For banana growers this means not only making their means of production greener, but also paying independent examiners to certify that their fruit are sustainable.

    “These regulations are a good thing in a way because they help producers seize the opportunity of making their production systems more sustainable,” said Mr Liu.

    “But of course, they also come with costs for producers because they require more control and monitoring systems on the part of the producers and the traders. And these costs have to trickle down to the final consumers.”


  54. Oh yeah! Yesterday the BBC told me about a Scottish island shopkeeper who ordered 80 cases of Easter Eggs instead of 80 Eggs as he had intended. That’s more eggs than people on his island. Now there’s speculation (?) of a price rise because of chocolate scarcity. Do you think that shopkeeper was aware of this and so, when he saw the price per Easter Egg case he mistook this for a price per egg after inflation?


  55. “Are growing rates of anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, Alzheimer’s and motor neurone disease related to rising temperatures and other extreme environmental changes?”

    In a word, no.

    The reasons for the growing rates of these various disorders will be many in number, with perhaps the least significant being rising temperatures and extreme weather. Add on to that the limited extent to which any extreme event can be attributed to climate change and you are left with a very thin gruel indeed. This is just the Guardian up to its nudgey tricks again. The research in question is just bog standard investigation into the well-known physiological impacts of our environment — research that has no doubt been financially boosted by researchers playing Climate Only Connect.


  56. “Climate change could affect timekeeping, study says”

    “Climate change is affecting the speed of the Earth’s rotation and could impact how we keep time, a study says.

    Accelerating melt from Greenland and Antarctica is adding extra water to the world’s seas, redistributing mass.That is very slightly slowing the Earth’s rotation. But the planet is still spinning faster than it used to.

    The effect is that global timekeepers may need to subtract a second from our clocks later than would otherwise have been the case…”

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Partial quotes from that BBC article –

    “But the Earth’s rotation rate is not constant and can therefore have an effect on how long our days and nights are. Changes to the planet’s liquid core have meant the Earth has been spinning slightly quicker.”

    Take it they mean the liquid Iron core!!!, wonder how they know that?

    Then you get the usual statement – “Things are happening that are unprecedented.”

    Not from when the polar regions were ice free I guess?

    Liked by 1 person

  58. OK – had a quick read of the paper quoted, seems not to be that dire (within my limited experience).

    Only thing that caught my eye was this –

    “Computer timekeeping and networking, nonexistent in 1972, is now ubiquitous, and is based on counting seconds; there is no way to insert (or remove) a ‘leap integer’43. The unpredictability of leap seconds makes it challenging to synchronize a vast global infrastructure. Different web services currently handle leap seconds differently. Many systems now have software that can accept an additional second, but few if any allow for removing a second, so that a negative leap second is expected to create many difficulties.”

    Seem to recall Avionics Computer systems failing for this very problem!!!

    1st search – It’s time-out for leap seconds: an expert explains why the tiny clock adjustments will be paused from 2035 (

    @Richard – any input/comments?


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